Well "Hello" everyone. It is lovely to have
Handmade Monday back and I do hope you all enjoyed and have recovered from the Christmas festivities.
Here as promised is my "How To" for the quilted
jewellery rolls I made my daughters for Christmas. If you haven't read
my previous post it may help to give it a quick view so you know what all this is about. You'll be glad to know my cold has cleared up and 2015 is back on schedule!
Jewellery Roll "How To"
Part 1
Below is what your finished 'fabric' will look like.
You will have
2 full 9 square patches in the centre
6 triangles made of 6 squares around the edges
4 corner triangles made of 4 squares in each corner.
In total you will need about 74 of the tiny squares (perhaps a few extra in case you make a mistake!). You will also need 6 plain pale squares for the hearts.
The finished size is about 11" or 12" x 7" or 8" depending on how accurate you are!
When working with tiny squares like these there is plenty of opportunity for error, believe me!
Cut into 1.5" strips and then cut those strips into 1.5" squares. I can't remember how many I cut but if you aim on about 9 x 1.5" squares of each colour you can use any left over to chop up for the hearts.
Now to start sewing! Use 1/4" seams throughout. Begin with the 9 square, squares and stitch 3 squares together to make 1 strip. Make the other two 3 square strips. Then stitch the 3, 3 square strips together, side by side, matching up the seams carefully! Press, then you have completed your first patchwork square! Only another XX to go! Complete the others in the same way and then you will be ready for the next stage.
At this point you will need to cut 6 plain pale 3.5" squares. Lay all your squares and triangles out like this.
Now join into strips like you did before (see the arrows) the squares will just be slightly larger this time. Then join the strips together, side by side, being particularly careful to match up all the seams. Don't forget to add the last 2 corner triangles! Press neatly, admire your work .... and breathe :)
You should have something which resembles this. Each tiny square will measure 1" or just under (told you it was difficult to be accurate!) and each plain square will be 3" or under.
Ok - you still with me?
Good, let's make the hearts :)
I'm afraid I lack a few pictures of this bit! But it should be a doddle for you clever crafters out there. First you will need to draw a heart to fit the blank squares. When you are happy with the shape draw this onto bondaweb (other gluey stuff does exist!). Cut out and place in the centre of the blank square, ironing into place (don't forget to protect your iron from the sticky stuff).

At this stage it may help to stitch around the outline of the heart as it can be a bit difficult to see. I also backed it with a little stitch and tear to give it a bit of strength. Next you will need a selection of teeny weeny chopped up bits from all 9 choices of fabric. Sprinkle these so they completely cover the heart and over the edges (now you can see why it's difficult to see). Protecting your iron again, iron over the itty bitty bits until they are stuck in place. Now stitch around the outline of the heart and free machine all over until they are well and truly fixed in place. You can do this as much or as little as you wish. Finally trim off any excess little pieces. Give yourself a pat on the back and ..... complete the other 5!!
Phew! I think that is enough to take in for one session, it will take quite a while to get this far so next week I will post Part 2 which will explain the quilting bit and how to make the pockets for the inside.
Happy sewing!